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July 8, 2021 - Regular Meeting Minutes

For a printable version of Board of Commissioners July 8, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes, click here.

Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-07 & 2020-18 signed by Governor Pritzker and guidance provided by legal counsel, the Lake County Housing Authority conducted this meeting by use of telephonic or electronic means without a physical quorum present in the boardroom. Public access to this meeting was available as follows: Call: 1 312-626-6799 and Enter Meeting ID 893 2281 7211.

Consequently, the July 8, 2021, Regular Board Meeting of the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake was held as a teleconference via the Zoom platform. A public notice of the meeting and the opportunity for telephonic access by the public has been posted on LCHA's social media and website (

The Regular Board Meeting of the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois, was held July 8, 2021, via Zoom and at the Lake County Housing Authority Central Office, 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030.

(Commissioners participated in this Board Meeting via teleconference.)

Dr. H. Lee Jordan, Jr., Chairman
Kevin Considine, Vice Chairman
John Idleburg, Commissioner
Susan Malter, Commissioner
Irina Mishalov, Commissioner
Beverly Mull, Commissioner

Absent: None

Attending Remotely: Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director/CEO

(Physically present at 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030.)
LCHA Staff: Ofelia Navarro, Deputy Director
Khadija Darr, Chief Financial Officer
Valerie Rogers, Executive Secretary

Posting of the notice of this meeting and agenda complied with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2.02(a)). The notice and agenda were posted prior to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, at the principal office, 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030 and on the Agency's website,


Noting that a quorum of Commissioners was present, Chairman Jordan called the meeting to order at 12:41 p.m. Roll call was taken, and the following Commissioners were present: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Absent: None.


Public comments were accepted by email at or by leaving a voice message at (847) 223-1170 ext. 2320. Comments received by 9:00 a.m. on July 8, 2021, are to be read at the appropriate time in the agenda.

One (1) voice mail Public Comment was submitted anonymously on 6/22/21. Please see REPORTS, Chairman Jordan opened the floor for public comment. No one requested to be heard.


After discussion, Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Considine to approve the Minutes of the June 17, 2021, Regular and Executive Session Minutes - Personnel Matters. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: None. Motion Carries.


The list of bills and financial report were submitted by Chief Financial Officer Khadija Darr.
(See Exhibits 09, 10)

CFO Khadija Darr reported:

HCV/ Voucher Program incl. Mainstream
HCV was funded just $1.8m of the approx. usual $2.5m in HAP subsidy due to the RNP reserve excess reported at CYE.
The Voucher program reports an administrative operating surplus ytd of $483,601

Voucher program reserves report as favorable at 4 mos. on hand
The Mainstream program lease up activity remains static and reports an operating surplus of $36,783
Mainstream operating reserves reflect as favorable at 5 mo. on hand

LRPH/Public Housing Program
At month end PH reports an aggregated $79,124 operating surplus, as income continues to outpace operating costs

LRPH maint. costs are exceeding budgeted projections as amps 2,3, & 5 continue to struggle w/ increased maint. Costs

PH operating reserves are being closely monitored as they reflect just 1 month on hand as HUD recommends 3-4 mos.

COCC/Central Office Cost Center
COCC operating costs continues the trend of exceeding income resulting in a (-$208,660) operating deficit ytd

COCC will recognize $162,826 of F2021 Capital Fund Mgmt. fee income in June
Ending operating reserves are reporting as unfavorable with less than 1 mo. of reserves on hand

Business Activities
Managed properties (LCHA Rentals) dwelling rent collections are down -14% ytd

The BA entity reports an operating surplus of $167,718 ytd

Operating reserves remain favorable at 9 mo. on hand

Midlothian Manor continues to accrue monthly operating costs as a non- income generating asset

CHC/Housing Counseling Program
The housing counseling program reports an operating surplus of $425,379 ytd

CHC operating reserves report as favorable at $451,183

The program remains self-sustaining as it continues to administer supplemental rental assistance

After discussion, Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to approve the list of bills as presented. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: None. Motion Carries.


The following reports for June 2021 were provided.

Public Housing-Zachary Stone, Director of Facilities
(Exhibit 01)

Procurement-Aaron Broeski, Project Manager
(Exhibit 02)

Property Disposition-Derek Eovaldi, Property Disposition Coordinator
(Exhibit 03)

Housing Choice Voucher, PBV-Jennifer Ferguson, Director of HCV & Compliance Portability & Collections (Exhibit 04)

FSS, Housing Counseling-Heidi Semenek, Director of FSS & Special Programs Mainstream Vouchers & FUP (Exhibit 05)

Human Resources Lefran Elgezdi, Director of Human Resources
(Exhibit 06)

FOIA/OMA, Travel-Training Valerie Rogers, Executive Secretary/FOIA & OMA (Exhibit 07)

Other Matters

  1. On 6/22/21 a Public Comment was left as a voice mail message from an anonymous caller. The caller expressed interest in the Homeownership Program and believes they have not been given complete information. (See Summary Exhibit 08)

    If the caller could be contacted, LCHA would explain the HCV homeownership program is available only to families that have been admitted to the HCV program and it is not offered by every Public Housing Agency (PHA). PHAs have discretion to determine whether to implement the HCV homeownership program in their jurisdictions.

    Although LCHA intends to administer the Homeownership Program at some point, as evidenced by its inclusion in LCHA's PHA Plan, we have not yet pursued the application to HUD.


Resolution 2021-71 Authorization to Destroy Executive Session Audio Recordings Prior To January 1, 2020

In 2013, by Resolution 2013-194 the Board first approved the destruction of Executive Session Audio Recordings, in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, and provided the provision for a semi-annual review of Executive Session Audio Recordings further eligible for destruction. The approved written minutes of all Executive Sessions remain on file. Audio recordings may be destroyed after they have been retained for at least 18 months after the making of the recording.

This Resolution only considers the destruction of the audio recordings made before January 1, 2020. Five (5) additional audio recordings are now eligible and recommended for destruction.

After discussion, Vice Chairman Considine introduced the following Resolution:



WHEREAS, the Illinois Open Meetings Act provides for Executive Sessions from time to time; and

WHEREAS, per 5 ILCS 120 Open Meetings Act, Section 2.06 (a), a verbatim audio or video recording is required for all closed sessions; and

WHEREAS, per 5 ILCS 120 Open Meetings Act, Section 2.06 (c) the verbatim record may be destroyed without notification to or the approval of a records commission or the State Archivist under the Local Records Act or the State Records Act; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Session Audio Recordings prior to January 1, 2020 have been retained for at least 18 months after the making of the recording; and

WHEREAS, the written Minutes of the Executive Sessions prior to January 1, 2020 have been approved by a majority of a quorum of the Board of Commissioners; and

WHEREAS, the adoption of this Resolution signifies the authorization of destruction by the entity which held the meeting; and

WHEREAS, this Resolution has been voted upon in an open, public forum;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that all Executive Session Audio Verbatim Recordings prior to January 1, 2020 will be erased or destroyed; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Commissioners will review qualifying Executive Session Audio Recordings forward on a semi-annual basis.

(See Exhibit 11)

After discussion Vice Chairman Considine moved, seconded by Commissioner Mull to adopt Resolution 2021-71.

Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries

Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on July 8, 2021.

Resolution 2021-72 Semi-Annual Review of Executive Session Minutes

In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the Executive Session Minutes must be reviewed semi-annually to either allow for release to the public or to remain closed. There have been six (6) executive sessions dealing with personnel matters, pending or probable litigation or real estate transactions. All are recommended to remain closed to the public.

After discussion, Commissioner Mull introduced the following Resolution:



WHEREAS, the Illinois Open Meetings Act provides for Executive Sessions from time to time; and

WHEREAS, the Act requires a semi-annual review of Executive Session Minutes to determine whether or not such Minutes may be available for public inspection; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has reviewed Executive Session Minutes from the Executive Sessions held on:

  • January 21, 2021Personnel Matters & Review of Executive Session Minutes;
  • February 18, 2021 Personnel Matters;
  • March 18, 2021 Personnel Matters;
  • April 15, 2021 Personnel Matters & Real Estate Transactions;
  • May 20, 2021 Personnel Matters;
  • June 17, 2021 Personnel Matters;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that since all six (6) sessions were devoted to Personnel Issues, none of the sessions are determined to be available for public inspection.

(See Exhibit 12)

After discussion Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to adopt Resolution 2021-72.

Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries

Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on July 8, 2021.

Resolution 2021-73 Approval of and Authorization to Submit PHA Annual Plan FY 2022

The PHA Plan is a comprehensive guide to public housing agency (PHA) policies, programs, operations, and strategies for meeting local housing needs and goals. There are two parts to the PHA Plan: the 5-Year Plan, which each PHA submits to HUD once every 5th PHA fiscal year, and the Annual Plan, which is submitted to HUD every year by non-qualified agencies.

The HUD-required Resident Advisory Board Meeting was held 4/7/21 and the required Public Hearing was held 6/2/21. Despite outreach efforts, there were no participants and no written requests for information or changes. The summaries of the RAB meeting and the Public Hearing are attached.
(See Exhibits 13, 14)

After discussion, Commissioner Mull introduced the following Resolution:



WHEREAS, the United Stated Housing Act of 1937 as amended by Section 511 of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 (QHWRA) created the requirement for submission of 5 Year and Annual PHA Plans by all PHAs administering the Public Housing and/or Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) programs; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to 24 CFR 903, the Housing Authority of the County of Lake (LCHA) is required to submit a PHA Annual Plan; and

WHEREAS, LCHA has been determined to be a Standard Performing PHA under the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) and Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) as of the last annual assessment of the PHA before the submission of the 5 Year or Annual Plans and therefore required to submit a Standard Performing Annual Plan; and

WHEREAS, the attached FY 2022 Annual PHA Plan has been drafted in consultation with the Authority's Resident Advisory Board; and

WHEREAS, the requisite public notices and hearings have been given and held; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer has prepared said plans as attached, and requests that the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake approve and authorize submission to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake Approves and Authorizes the Submission of the PHA FY 2022 Annual Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as presented; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman is authorized and directed to sign the PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Related Regulation Board Resolution to accompany the PHA Plan.

(See Exhibits 15, 16)

After discussion Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Commissioner Idleburg to adopt Resolution 2021-73.

Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries

Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on July 8, 2021.

Resolution 2021-74 Approval of and Authorization to Submit The Capital Fund Program (CFP) 5-Year Action Plan (2021-2025)

LCHA is required to submit a Capital Fund Program (CFP) 5-Year Action Plan and a CFP annual budget to HUD for approval on its Capital Fund Program open grants. LCHA uses a rolling 5-Year Action Plan. Annually a new plan is created, removing the oldest year and adding on an additional year.

The CFP 5-Year Action Plan must describe the capital improvements necessary to ensure long-term physical and social viability of the PHA's public housing developments, including the capital improvements to be undertaken within the five-year period, their estimated costs, status of environmental review, and any other information required for participation in the CFP, as prescribed by HUD. To be entitled to fungibility, PHA's must have an approved 5 Year Action Plan. Except in the case of emergency/disaster work, the PHA shall not spend Capital Funds on any work that is not included in an approved CFP 5-Year Action Plan and its amendments.

The HUD-required Resident Advisory Board Meeting was held 4/7/21 and the required Public Hearing was held 6/2/21. Neither session was attended by residents and/or the public. The summaries are attached. (See Exhibits 13, 14)

After discussion, Commissioner Mull introduced the following Resolution:



WHEREAS, the Capital Fund Annual Submission was decoupled from the PHA Plan submission in 24 CFR part 905 which was published on October 24, 2013, and became effective on November 25, 2013; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to 24 CFR 905, the Housing Authority of the County of Lake (LCHA) is required to submit a Capital Fund Program 5-Year Action Plan and a Capital Fund Program FY 2021 Budget; and

WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the County of Lake has prepared its Capital Fund Program 5-Year Action Plan for Federal Fiscal Years (FYs) 2021-2025 describing capital improvements needed to ensure long-term viability of the Agency's public housing developments; and

WHEREAS, as of FY 2019, all PHAs are required to submit their Capital Fund Program (CFP) 5 Year Action Plans and Budgets within HUD's Energy and Performance Information Center (EPIC) system; the electronic CFP submission process replaced the paper submission process that was retired at the end of 2017; and

WHEREAS, PHAs are required to have on file a copy of a Board Resolution approving the PHA's CFP 5-Year Action Plan, including ones submitted in the EPIC system; and

WHEREAS, the requisite public notices have been given; and

WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer and the Director of Facilities, in conjunction with the Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer has prepared said plans as attached, and requests that the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake approve and authorize submission to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake Approves and Authorizes the Submission of The Capital Fund Program 5-Year Action Plan (2021-2025) to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as presented.

(See Exhibits 17, 18)

After discussion Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Commissioner Idleburg to adopt Resolution 2021-74.

Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries

Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on July 8, 2021.

Commissioner Roundtable - Discussion

In response to a Commissioner's question, ED/CEO Lorraine Hocker stated LCHA does not operate a Homeownership Program at this time. An application may be submitted to HUD when the opportunity is presented.

The Board was grateful for receiving information on the success of participants in the Family Self Sufficiency Program.

ED/CEO Lorraine Hocker expressed appreciation to CFO Khadija Darr and her accounting department for handling the additional process of issuing checks for the Federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program (FERA). $1.5m has been issued to 300 families with another 680 families under review in the pipeline.

Executive Session - Real Estate

No Executive Session was held on 7/8/21.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Commissioner Idleburg to adjourn the meeting. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Jordan. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: None. Motion Carries. Meeting adjourned at 1:04 p.m.

Dr. H. Lee Jordan, Jr.

Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director/CEO