February 18, 2021 - Minutes
Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-07 & 2020-18 signed by Governor Pritzker and guidance provided by legal counsel, the Lake County Housing Authority conducted this meeting by use of telephonic or electronic means without a physical quorum present in the boardroom. Public access to this meeting was available as follows: Call: 1 312-626-6799 and Enter Meeting ID 893 2281 7211.
Consequently, the February 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake was held as an audio-only teleconference. A public notice of the meeting and the opportunity for telephonic access by the public has been posted on LCHA's social media and website (www.lakecountyha.org).
The Regular Board Meeting of the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois, was held February 18, 2021 telephonically and at the Lake County Housing Authority Central Office, 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030.
(Commissioners participated in this Board Meeting via audio teleconference.)
Kevin Considine, Commissioner
John Idleburg, Commissioner
Susan Malter, Commissioner
Irina Mishalov, Commissioner
Beverly Mull, Commissioner
Absent: Dr. H. Lee Jordan, Jr., Chairman
Present: (Physically present at 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030.)
LCHA Staff: Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director/CEO
Ofelia Navarro, Deputy Director
Khadija Darr, Chief Financial Officer
Jennifer Ferguson, Director of HCV
Valerie Rogers, Executive Secretary
Others: Eric Hanson, Mahoney, Silverman & Cross, LLC, LCHA Attorney
Posting of the notice of this meeting and agenda complied with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2.02(a)). The notice and agenda were posted prior to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at the principal office, 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030 and on the Agency's website, www.lakecountyha.org.
As the Vice Chairman position is currently vacant and noting the absence of the Chairman, Commissioner Idleburg moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to appoint Commissioner Considine as Acting Chairman for this meeting. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Motion Carries.
Noting that a quorum of Commissioners was present, Acting Chairman Considine called the meeting to order at 12:32 p.m. Roll call was taken, and the following Commissioners were present: Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Considine. Absent: Jordan.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Public comments were accepted by email at publiccomment@lakecountyha.org or by leaving a voice message at (847) 223-1170 ext. 2320. Comments received by 9:00 a.m. on February 18, 2021 are to be read at the appropriate time in the agenda. No Public Comments were submitted either by email or telephone by 9:00 a.m. on 2/18/21. Acting Chairman Considine opened the floor for public comment. No one requested to be heard.
After discussion, Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to approve the Minutes of the January 21, 2021 Regular and Executive Session Minutes - Personnel Matters as well as the February 17, 2021 Special Meeting Minutes. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Considine. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: Jordan. Motion Carries.
The list of bills and financial report were submitted by Chief Financial Officer Khadija Darr.
(See Exhibits 08, 09)
Khadija's reported LCHA is currently finalizing our AP automation conversion, from an AP approval paper process to an automated process.
She said LCHA is securing our independent auditor the FY 2020 audit. The bid award should be presented to the Board at the next meeting.
LCHA is also in the process of calculating our operating subsidy; finalizing our eligibility so we have an idea of our funding for public housing.
After discussion, Commissioner Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Idleburg to approve the list of bills as presented. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Considine. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: Jordan. Motion Carries.
The following reports for January 2021 were provided.
Public Housing Program, LCHA Rentals Aaron Broeski, Director of Public Housing Procurement (Exhibit 01)
Housing Choice Vouchers, PBV , Jennifer Ferguson, Director of HCV & Compliance Portability & Collections (Exhibit 02)
FSS, Housing Counseling, Heidi Semenek, Director of FSS & Special Programs, Mainstream Vouchers & FUP (Exhibit 03)
Human Resources Lefran Elgezdi, Director of Human Resources
(Exhibit 04)
FOIA/OMA , Travel-Training Valerie Rogers, Executive Secretary/FOIA & OMA, (Exhibit 05)
Other Matters
- Lake County Housing Authority has regretfully accepted the resignation of Diana O'Kelly as a Commissioner. We are grateful for her service and for bringing her extensive knowledge and wisdom to our agency.
- LCHA welcomes newly appointed Resident Commissioner Irina Mishalov. Commissioner Mishalov is able to join both the Special Meeting 2/17/21 and the Regular Board Meeting 2/18/21. (See Exhibit 06)
- This week has seen more than the usual emergency calls. The expensive ones are due to the severe cold. Pipes burst at units in Grayslake and Waukegan and water was reported to be leaking in maintenance area at Hawley Manor. No heat reports came from Round Lake Beach, Wauconda and Grayslake (required boiler replacement). Our maintenance team answered each promptly and armed with solutions. No participants needed to be relocated and all issues have been mitigated. More than ever, we are grateful for our crew.
- Chief Financial Officer Khadija Darr created this recap of CARES Act Funding as per your request. (See Exhibit 07)
Amending the HCV Administrative Plan-Ch. 11-II.B Changes in Family and Household Composition
LCHA is proposing to update the conditions in which an adult household member can be added to the household. Restricting the adult members to be added allows us to better manage subsidy to owners and maintain moderate voucher sizes. The update limits addition of adult household members to reasonable accommodations, marriage or court awarded custody.
After discussion, Commissioner Mull introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, LCHA's HCV Leadership is requesting to revise the Administrative Plan to specify circumstances for adding adult household members; and
WHEREAS, by clarifying the exceptions in which LCHA will add adult household members, staff and residents understand the eligibility process for approving adult household members and the conditions for denying the addition of adult household members;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the following Sections are amended as follows; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the amended Sections are effective 2/1/2021.
New language is indicated in red. Deleted language is shown in strikeout.
When any new family member is added, the PHA must conduct a reexamination to determine any new income or deductions associated with the additional family member and to make appropriate adjustments in the family share of the rent and the HAP payment [24 CFR 982.516(e)].
LCHA Policy
LCHA will not approve the addition of an adult except under consideration for reasonable accommodation, marriage, or court awarded custody. Adults added under these circumstances are still subject to meeting LCHA's eligibility criteria and documentation requirements.
If a change in family size causes a violation of Housing Quality Standards (HQS) space standards (see Chapter 8), the PHA must issue the family a new voucher, and the family and PHA must try to find an acceptable unit as soon as possible. If an acceptable unit is available for rental by the family, the PHA must terminate the family's HAP contract in accordance with its terms [24 CFR 982.403].
(See Exhibit 11)
After discussion Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to adopt Resolution 2021-28.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Considine
Nays: None
Absent: Jordan
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on February 18, 2021.
Amending the HCV Administrative Plan - Ch. 16-III.B. Informal Reviews & Ch. 5-I.B. Briefing
PIH Notice 2020-32 requires all PHA's to update their administrative plans if they are participating in remote Hearings, Informal Reviews and Briefings. LCHA is conducting these processes via Zoom or telephone since COVID -19. LCHA is preferring to conduct activities via Zoom, but families must have the option to participant via video call or audio call. Written consent is required if the family choses to participate via telephone.
After discussion, Commissioner Malter introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, LCHA's HCV Leadership is requesting to revise the Administrative Plan to add language regarding procedures for remote Briefings and Hearings/Informal Reviews; and
WHEREAS, HUD has required PHA's to add to their Administrative Plans procedures for conducting Briefings and Hearings/Informal Reviews via video calls and audio calls with written consent due to COVID-19;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the following Sections are amended as follows; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the amended Sections are effective 2/1/2021.
New language is indicated in red. No language is being deleted.
ADD to the End of 16-III.B
LCHA Procedure for Conducting Informal Reviews & Hearings
Due to COVID-19 [PIH 2020-32]
LCHA will allow the use of post mail, electronic mail, telephone, and video call to conduct remote Informal Reviews & Hearings. LCHA will continue to record hearings and request written consent from the family to conduct hearings via audio calls.
5-I.B. BRIEFING [24 CFR 982.301]
New language is indicated in red. No language is being deleted.
Add to the End of 5-I.B.
LCHA Procedure for Conducting Briefings Due to COVID-19 [PIH 2020-32]
LCHA will allow the use of post mail, electronic mail, telephone, and video call to conduct remote hearings. LCHA will continue to record hearings and request written consent from the family to conduct hearings via audio calls.
(See Exhibit 10)
After discussion Commissioner Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Mull to adopt Resolution 2021-27.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Considine
Nays: None
Absent: Jordan
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois on February 18, 2021.
Election of Vice Chairman
With the resignation of Diana O'Kelly as a Commissioner, the Vice Chairman position became vacant. The Board opted to elect a Commissioner to serve as Vice Chairman until the Annual Board Meeting July 2021.
Commissioner Malter nominated Commissioner Kevin Considine to the office of Vice Chairman. No other nominations were expressed.
After discussion, Commissioner Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Mull to elect Commissioner Kevin Considine as Vice Chairman. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Considine. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: Jordan. Motion Carries.
Commissioner Roundtable - Discussion
Vice Chairman Considine welcomed newly appointed Commissioner Mishalov. Commissioner Mishalov provided some background information and her interest in promoting housing.
ED/CEO Lorraine Hocker narrated LCHA's ongoing process of demolishing and/or disposing of public housing scattered site properties. She explained part of HUD's procedure requires the Board's approval of LCHA submitting the Section 18 application to HUD of the intent to demolish or dispose of property. Also required is a letter of support from the city/village/town of the property being addressed. LCHA petitioned the relevant local governments for the letters of support. The responses were positive to our overall plan but the paperwork lagged far behind.
In the meantime, the Board approved the submission of the Section 18 applications as detailed below:
Resolution Number Date Board Approved Property
2021-02 10/15/20 Authorization To Submit The Section 18 Disposition Application-300 Park Avenue, Antioch, IL
2021-03 10/15/20 Authorization To Submit The Section 18 Disposition Application-207-209 Dundee Avenue, Barrington, IL
2021-15 12/17/20 Authorization To Submit The Section 18 Disposition Application-12305 W. Bonnie Brook Lane, Beach Park, IL
2021-16 12/17/20 Authorization To Submit The Section 18 Disposition Application-37080 N. Avon Drive, Lake Villa, IL
The required paperwork was submitted to HUD staff. Unfortunately, key HUD staff retired and the process lay dormant for several months. The process has now been rejuvenated but the possibility exists HUD will require LCHA's Board approval come after the letter of support from local government, making these resolutions unacceptable.
LCHA is still waiting final directive but we may be presenting the same Resolutions for Board approval in the near future. The Board acknowledged a Special Board Meeting may be required.
Executive Session - Personnel Matters
At 1:11 p.m. Commissioner Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Idleburg to go into Executive Session to discuss Personnel Matters. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Considine. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: Jordan. Motion Carries.
The Board returned to open session at 1:27 p.m. and roll call was taken. Present: Idleburg, Malter, Mishalov, Mull, Considine. Absent: Jordan.
The Board discussed Personnel Matters, Pending & Real Estate Transactions. No action were taken during the Executive Session.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Mull moved, seconded by Commissioner Malter to adjourn the meeting. The Board voted in favor of the motion. Motion Carries. Meeting adjourned at 1:29 p.m.
Dr. H. Lee Jordan, Jr.
Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director/CEO