October 17, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Lake County Housing Authority
Board of Commissioners
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
October 17, 2024
The Regular Board Meeting of the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake was held October 17, 2024, at 33928 North U.S. Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030.
Kevin Considine, Chairman
Susan Malter, Vice Chair
LaShaundra Barnes, Commissioner
Dr. Charles Nozicka, Commissioner
Beverly Stackhouse, Commissioner
Absent: John Idleburg, Commissioner
LCHA Staff:
Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director/CEO
Michelle Perkins, Operations Deputy
Asia Dzierzynski, Accounting Manager - via Zoom
Tamara Harrington, Assistant Finance Manager
Christine Pryor, Senior HR Generalist
Katrina Gofron-Ellison, Executive Assistant
Posting of the notice of this meeting and agenda complied with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2.02(a)). The notice and agenda were posted prior to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at the principal office: 33928 North US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030 and on the organization's website, www.lakecountyha.org.
Noting that a quorum of Commissioners was present, Chairman Considine called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. Roll call was taken, and the following Commissioners were present: Considine, Barnes, Malter, Nozicka, Stackhouse, as well as LCHA members Hocker, Perkins, Dzierzynski, Harrington, Pryor, Gofron-Ellison. Absent: Commissioner Idleburg
Public comments were accepted by email at publiccomment@lakecountyha.org or by leaving a voice message at (847) 223-1170 ext. 2320. Comments received by 9:00 a.m. October 17, 2024, are to be read at the appropriate time in the agenda. There were no public comments.
Chairman Considine opened the floor for public comment. There were no public comments.
MINUTES 9/12/24 - Regular Meeting and Executive Session Minutes
Vice Chair Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Dr. Nozicka, to approve the Minutes of the September 12, 2024, Regular Meeting. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Barnes, Considine, Malter, Nozicka, Stackhouse. Abstain: None. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: Idleburg. Motion carries.
Accounting Manager Dzierzynski presented an overview of the August financials, mentioning the needs to review the August numbers and preliminary September numbers due to the ongoing audit.
- For August, there was a net loss of $35,000, with the biggest contributor being repairs and maintenance.
- AMP 3 ended with a net income of just over $9,000, with AMP 4 had a net income of $12,600. AMP 5 had a net loss of $17,000, due to reduced tenant revenue and higher maintenance costs.
- Public Housing had a total net loss of $30,000, while HCV ended with a net income of $83,000 due to higher-than-budgeted advocacy and no mid-month cap check.
- Housing Counseling and Business Activities also reported positive net incomes, while COCC had a small loss due to invoices from the blackout period.
- Ms. Dzierzynski noted a net income of $43,043 for AMP 2, driven by repairs and maintenance.
- AMP 3 had a net income of $21,004, while AMP 5 had a net loss of $12,000, due to increased vacancy expenses.
- Public Housing had a net income of approximately $7,000, while HCV had a net loss of $50,000.
- Housing Counseling and Business Activities reported positive net incomes, while COCC had a net loss of $9,500.
- The consolidated total for September was a net loss of $89,000, with the biggest contributors being the HCV and AMP 5 losses.
After discussion, Commissioner Stackhouse moved seconded by Commissioner Dr. Nozicka, to approve the list of bills, and accept the finance report. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Barnes. Considine, Malter, Nozicka, Stackhouse. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: Idleburg. Motion Carries.
Yardi Software Update
- Operations Deputy Perkins reported that Yardi has been working well and simplifying compliance tasks.
- Over 1,600 residents and 400 landlords are registered in the system, with the implementation of P2P for payment processing and invoicing.
- The RFTA online and other digital features are being phased in, with a goal to have all pieces online by 2025.
- Operations Deputy Perkins also proposed revising the board packet to include data-driven reports from the Yardi system, making it easier to prepare and more consistent.
The following reports for September 2024 were provided:
Maintenance, Assets-Brian Snook, Director of Public Housing
Property Disposition-Derek Eovaldi, Property Disposition Coordinator
Public Housing-Brian Snook, Director of Public Housing
Housing Choice Voucher, PBV-Gilma Beachem, HCV Intake Program Manager, Portability & Collections
FSS, Mainstream Vouchers & FUP-Heidi Semenek, Director of FSS & Special Programs
Housing Counseling-Elizabeth Werning, Manager of Housing Counseling
Information Technology-Michelle Perkins, Operations Deputy
Human Resources-Christine Pryor, Senior Human Resources Generalist
FOIA/OMA, Travel-Training Tracey Heleniak, Executive Assistant/FOIA & OMA Officer
ED Report for September 2024
- On September 12th, Ms. Hocker attended the Lake County Partners Investor Event. This event was to show appreciation to fellow Lake County Partners investors for their continued support, investment and leadership.
- Ms. Hocker attended the Illinois Association of Housing Authorities (IAHA) 2024 Annual Meeting in Bloomington-Normal October 18th-20th. Topics during the meeting included HOTMA, HUD updates, Legislative update, a state of the state for Affordable Housing, an ED roundtable and Human Resources session, including AHRMA Workers Comprehensive.
- A mandatory All-Staff Meeting was held on September 25th. In attendance was Andrea from USI, who gave a presentation to staff regarding updates to LCHA's Medical, Dental, and Vision Benefits for 2025. Seena from AFLAC spoke next to give an overview of AFLAC Benefits and additional offerings. Finally, Ms. Hocker gave a review of upcoming initiatives, policies and organizational updates, and fielded questions from staff.
- On September 26th, Ms. Hocker attended the Home Illinois Annual Meeting webinar from the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS).
- General Monthly Notes:
- Ms. Hocker and Staff continue with monthly calls to review Utilization and Occupancy and Demo/Dispo, in addition to IAHA and NAHRO
- Monthly Check-in with LCCH for Special Program referrals from the COC
- Ms. Hocker attended the CBRAP HSS Biweekly Check-In calls with IHDA.
After discussion, Chairman Considine introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, HUD has published both Fair Market Rents (FMRs) and Small Area FMRs for Fiscal Year 2024; and
WHEREAS, the Authority must use the Small Area FMRs; and
WHEREAS, the Authority is required to set the Housing Choice Voucher Payment Standards between 90% and 110% of the published Fair Market Rent; and
WHEREAS, Payment Standards are set within this range of the published FMRs to strike a balance between funding limits and improving voucher utilization; and
WHEREAS, the Authority is committed to sustaining opportunity areas to our clients by using the Small Area FMRs that are zip code specific;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Payment Standards be set as indicated below; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these changes in the Payment Standards be made effective January 1, 2025.
ZIP | 0 | 1BR | 2BR | 3BR | 4BR | 5BR |
60002 | 1250 | 1340 | 1510 | 1940 | 2280 | 2622 |
60010 | 2190 | 2340 | 2640 | 3390 | 3980 | 4577 |
60011 | 1470 | 1570 | 1770 | 2280 | 2670 | 3070 |
60013 | 1440 | 1539 | 1737 | 2232 | 2619 | 3012 |
60015 | 2190 | 2340 | 2640 | 3390 | 3980 | 4577 |
60020 | 1370 | 1470 | 1660 | 2130 | 2500 | 2875 |
60021 | 1872 | 1998 | 2259 | 2898 | 3411 | 3923 |
60030 | 1630 | 1740 | 1970 | 2530 | 2970 | 3415 |
60031 | 1630 | 1740 | 1970 | 2530 | 2970 | 3415 |
60035 | 2070 | 2220 | 2530 | 3220 | 3810 | 4381 |
60040 | 1790 | 1910 | 2160 | 2770 | 3260 | 3749 |
60041 | 1190 | 1280 | 1460 | 1925 | 2200 | 2530 |
60042 | 1674 | 1782 | 2016 | 2592 | 3042 | 3499 |
60044 | 1566 | 1674 | 1890 | 2430 | 2853 | 3281 |
60045 | 2190 | 2340 | 2640 | 3390 | 3980 | 4577 |
60046 | 1500 | 1600 | 1800 | 2350 | 2700 | 3105 |
60047 | 1970 | 2110 | 2390 | 3060 | 3600 | 4140 |
60048 | 1710 | 1830 | 2070 | 2660 | 3120 | 3588 |
60050 | 1422 | 1521 | 1719 | 2205 | 2592 | 2981 |
60051 | 1771 | 1903 | 2167 | 2761 | 3267 | 3756 |
60060 | 1660 | 1770 | 2000 | 250 | 3020 | 3473 |
60061 | 1890 | 2030 | 2310 | 2940 | 3480 | 4002 |
60064 | 1190 | 1280 | 1440 | 1850 | 2170 | 2495 |
60069 | 1971 | 2106 | 2376 | 3051 | 3582 | 4120 |
60073 | 1590 | 1700 | 1920 | 2470 | 2900 | 3335 |
60074 | 1377 | 1476 | 1665 | 2142 | 2511 | 2888 |
60081 | 1420 | 1530 | 1740 | 2220 | 2620 | 3013 |
60083 | 1728 | 1845 | 2097 | 2682 | 3159 | 3633 |
60084 | 1370 | 1470 | 1660 | 2130 | 2500 | 2875 |
60085 | 1134 | 1215 | 1368 | 1755 | 2061 | 2370 |
60087 | 1330 | 1430 | 1610 | 2070 | 2340 | 2794 |
60089 | 1990 | 2140 | 2440 | 3110 | 3680 | 4232 |
60096 | 1230 | 1320 | 1500 | 1910 | 2260 | 2599 |
60099 | 1280 | 1380 | 1570 | 2000 | 2370 | 2725 |
After discussion Vice Chair Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Dr. Nozicka, to adopt Resolution 2025-01.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Barnes, Considine, Malter, Nozicka, Stackhouse
Nays: None
Absent: Idleburg
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
ADOPTED, by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake and signed in authentication of its passage, the 17th day of October 2024.
After discussion, Chairman Considine introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, the Authority is required to assess the adequacy of its tenant paid utility allowance schedule annually; and
WHEREAS, the assessment has been completed and a finding made that there was a decrease in gas of 15% and changes are warranted. The increase in changes in all other utilities were under the 10% threshold and do not require changes;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the attached tenant paid utility allowance schedule be approved for the Housing Choice Voucher Program effective January 1, 2025; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the new schedule shall also be approved for the Low Rent Program effective January 1, 2025, subject to the receipt and consideration of resident comment period.
After discussion, Vice Chair Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Dr. Nozicka, to adopt Resolution 2025-02.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Barnes, Considine, Malter, Nozicka, Stackhouse
Nays: None
Absent: Idleburg
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
ADOPTED, by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake and signed in authentication of its passage, the 17th day of October 2024.
After discussion, Chairman Considine introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, the policy of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois is to write-off accounts of tenants that have been terminated from the program or the former tenant's location is unknown;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following tenant accounts are to be transferred to the allowance for doubtful accounts and sent to the Authority's collection company.
Account # | Amount | AMP |
0137-10 | $26.98 | 2 |
0158-9 | $554.87 | 2 |
0183-12 | $3,164.00 | 2 |
0197-9 | $3,015.15 | 3 |
0215-6 | $1,128.92 | 3 |
0218-8 | $415.80 | 3 |
0258-18 | $4,443.88 | 3 |
0269-9 | $2,784.62 | 3 |
0221-18 | $4,391.65 | 3 |
0253-9 | $83.87 | 3 |
0289-7 | $7,275.84 | 5 |
0295-6 | $532.47 | 5 |
0457-8 | $6872.17 | 5 |
$34,690.22 |
After discussion Vice Chair Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Stackhouse, to adopt Resolution 2025-03.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Barnes, Considine, Idleburg, Malter, Nozicka, Stackhouse
Nays: None
Absent: Idleburg
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
ADOPTED, by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake and signed in authentication of its passage, the 17th day of October 2024.
After discussion, Chairman Considine introduced the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, the policy of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake, Illinois is to write-off accounts of tenants that have been terminated from the program or the former tenant's location is unknown;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following tenant accounts are to be transferred to the allowance for doubtful accounts and sent to the Authority's collection company.
Account # | Amount | Program |
2891-1 | $3,482.00 | HCV |
0967-2 | $845.00 | HCV |
0721-1 | $1,309.00 | HCV |
0553-2 | $3,840.00 | HCV |
$9,476.00 |
After discussion Vice Chair Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Stackhouse, to adopt Resolution 2025-04.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Barnes, Considine, Malter, Nozicka, Stackhouse
Nays: None
Absent: Idleburg
Abstain: None
Motion: Carries
ADOPTED, by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Lake and signed in authentication of its passage, the 17th day of October 2024.
NAHRO Conference, September 26-September 28, Orlando
- Commissioner Stackhouse shared her experience at the recent NAHRO conference, highlighting the challenges and successes of the event.
- Commissioner Stackhouse mentioned the importance of advocacy and the impact of policies on families.
- The conference provided valuable networking opportunities and insights into other housing authorities' practices.
- She expressed gratitude for the opportunity to attend the conference and the positive experiences gained.
Property Disposition
- Executive Director Hocker provided details on the disposal units, noting that 43 units have vouchers attached, 5 have been sold to tenants and 14 have been sold in private sales.
- Chairman Considine emphasized that the County is not losing affordable housing units, just changing ownership.
- Operations Deputy suggested keeping updated statistics on disposal to track the impact on affordable housing.
(5 ILCS 120/2) Sec. 2(c)(1)
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees.
(5 ILCS 120/2) Sec. 2(c)(11)
Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court...or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent.
At 1:00 p.m. Vice Chair Malter moved, seconded by Commissioner Dr. Nozicka to go into Executive Session to discuss (5 ILCS 120/2) Sec. 2(c)(1) Personnel, and (5 ILCS 120/2) Sec. 2(c)(11) Litigation. The Board voted as follows: Ayes: Barnes, Considine, Malter, Nozicka, Stackhouse. Nays: None. Absent and Not Voting: Idleburg. Also present: Executive Director Hocker, Operations Deputy Perkins, Executive Assistant Gofron-Ellison. Motion Carries.
The Board returned to Open Session at 1:16pm and roll call was taken. Present: Barnes, Considine, Malter, Nozicka, Stackhouse, Hocker, Perkins, Gofron-Ellison.
Chairman Considine stated the Board discussed Litigation and Executive Session Minutes and no action was taken during the Executive Session.
There being no further business to come before the Board, The Board voted unanimously in favor adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 1:17pm.
Kevin Considine
Board of Commissioners
Lake County Housing Authority
Lorraine Hocker
Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer