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ILHAF Grant Program to Close on 10-31-2023

After 18 months of providing assistance to homeowners who are delinquent on their housing costs, the ILHAF program will be closing on
October 31st, 2023

All applications that are submitted by the deadline will be reviewed, however, a complete application is not a guarantee of funding.
As a reminder, ILHAF provides up to $60,000 for homeowners who are behind on their housing costs (ex: mortgage, property taxes, hoa fees, etc).
This is a true grant and does not impact a grantee's income taxes or requires the grantee to pay back the funds.
It is unlikely that this program or one like it will re-open in the near future.
If you or anyone you know could benefit from this program before it closes, please contact LCHA's Housing Counseling team here:
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